About the Hilton Rotary Club
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Hilton Rotary meets the first Wednesday of the month at Great Lakes Classic Cars in Hilton.  We meet at 6pm and additional meeting may be scheduled based on projects or other activities.  

The Hilton Club was founded in 1954 and has had a rich history in the Hilton Community.  The Hilton Club sponsored two other clubs, Brockport and Spencerport.  

Over the years Hilton Rotary has been involved in a great many service programs and fundraising projects. We are always focused on giving back to our local community and have the ability to participate in some amazing world-wide efforts as well.  

For many years we supported Camp Haccamo, a camp for disabled children that provided the child a week of camp time each summer.  The facility was supported monetarily and through many hours of assistance maintaining the grounds and mechanical aspects of the camp.  One of our longtime members Billy Hess was an integral part of keeping this camp operational.  Camp Haccamo eventually sold their facility and now operates out of the Rotary Sunshine Camp in Rush, NY 

Over the years we have had many types of fundraising activities.  We are very well known in the community for the Fly-In-Drive-In breakfast we conducted for many years at Hendershot Airport just outside of the Town of Hilton.  One of our legacy members, Bud Hendershot used to own an airport for small aircraft which we would have an annual breakfast event at.  That fundraiser was used to support 3 charities.  Mercy Flight, The Hilton Fire Department and a charity of our choosing for the year.  That event was a tremendous amount of fun for the Club and the Community.  Once of our largest fundraising events has always been the Apple Festival.  We are quite famous for our Beef on Weck and our Soft Pretzel sales.  In 2021 we kicked off a new fundraiser in conjunction with Hilton Parma Rec who has been a huge support to our club.  A Clambake and Concert.  We had a bit of trouble with weather last year, we do live in Western NY after all but we are ready to give it a go again this year and have already scheduled the event.  

Giving back to the community has been so important to the club over the years.  Fundraising dollars are always given back to the community in many shapes and forms.  In spring we do a Free Easter Egg Hunt for the community, we have given scholarships to high school students, purchased dictionaries for 3rd graders, provided free dinners to our seniors and build handicap ramps for people in need.  Our largest donation recently was to Hilton Parma Recreation for our new playground at the Town Hall.  We were extremely excited to donate $5,000.00 to that project.  
Internationally we have helped to support the eradication of Polio for many years as well as clean water projects and shelter boxes.  Our focus always remains on our local community and how we can make the biggest impact.